• 22.10.2018

Every year, we experience an even warmer year in human history, the ozone hole is still extremely large, and at a time of last-minute and ultra-cheap vacations, we tend to run away from unstable winters to warm countries where we are exposed to another kind of intense sunlight.

Thanks to global warming, residents of warm countries receive more sunlight every year than they have before.  

The world is changing right before our eyes. It is becoming smaller and more accessible, but on the other hand the sun and the intensity of its radiation are increasing. With the current evolution of climate change, soon enough, we will not be able to hide anywhere from dangerous UV rays. Or, if we are really honest with each other, we have not been able to hide enough before either. It is radiation that has always been here. The only difference is that as a result of our ruthless behavior, the natural UV filter of our planet is becoming radically diminished. We can lament over it, but nothing can change that easily.


One of a few really effective solutions for this unpleasant situation is to get a good sunscreen. But what does this mean?

In order to get used to an increasing supply of UV radiation, we should arm ourselves so that we do not cause further problems to ourselves. We have known for a long time that the higher the sun protection factor is, the greater the associated health risks are. Sun tanning lotions and oils with a high SPF contain synthetic UV filters that cannot be broken down by the body in any way, and, in addition, we are at risk from these nanoparticles getting into the bloodstream and negatively affecting us. Even by their regular application, we are not able to protect ourselves enough from direct sunlight during the entire stay. All protection is only temporary and, apart from the UV protection itself, we can also produce a whole list of side effects associated with the use of sunscreen lotions. So what really helps?


You may think that we are completely crazy, but the answer is very prosaic. The best protection against direct sunlight is to hide from direct sunlight. If we are to get into details, for example, we do not even need to be in direct sunlight on a sandy beach for dangerous UV rays to penetrate the skin and to activate the immune system which generates a counter-reaction. The sunrays are partially absorbed by the sand, but the rest reflect back and wander further, until they strike our innocuous bodies - resting peacefully beneath a sun umbrella in sweet ignorance.

Even when we stick our head out, we should not leave an umbrella’s shade without a good hat. Simply put, hold onto your sun hats.  What we are so vehemently convinced about is that the most gratifying activity during summer holidays could now be renamed from ‘attractive tanning’ to a ‘body alert’ and an allergic reaction. Yes, we are allergic to harmful UV rays and our body tries to take all the necessary measures to reduce their impact when it hits our skin. Sweat glands become activated; the lymphatic system registers the alarm on the skin surface and ensures an adequate supply of melanin, causing the skin to darken. In this way, our system tries to defend itself from the effects of UV radiation, but unfortunately our bodily organism cannot do anything more for us.


Let’s be honest. We already know that UV radiation has always been here, and the expanding ozone hole is becoming stronger. Therefore, if we cannot protect ourselves from sunlight and we really need to use a product with a sun protection factor, we need to make sure that this factor does not penetrate into the bloodstream. This is only possible if the tanning formula contains micro particles instead of nanoparticles. We can completely protect the skin when we put something on the body, that will not irritate the skin and at the same time will not be a cause for potential skin problems, but instead will provide the necessary hydration and nutrition.


A discussion of the photo protective properties of raspberry oil in the fight against unwanted UV radiation, as well as the positive effects of carrot macerate in tanning, has been held for some time now. Although the result, which would confirm significant photo protective properties, has not been released yet by any of the world’s renowned research institutes, using both of these natural oils for tanning have a positive effect on your skin. They are extremely hydrating and rich in nutrients and enrich the skin exposed to intense sunlight. After careful consideration of all the benefits and risks associated with applying these two oils onto the skin, we have come to the conclusion that we have the right formula for our sun tanning oil.

Another ingredient that our skin will appreciate, not only during the summer season, is beeswax. In order to be able to enjoy even more intense physical activities and to ensure that the skin is well protected in case we fall asleep or get injured, beeswax serves as a helper for such problems.

Finally, we get to introduce the most important, photo protective ingredient. No chemicals, no nanoparticles, but zinc oxide. This mineral pigment, which is widely used, is available in micro particles that do not have the potential to penetrate into the skin and thus into the bloodstream. After applying zinc oxide to the skin, it provides a protective layer that intensively fights dangerous UV radiation, prevents burns and provides protection from skin cancer. Unlike other sun protection filters, such as titanium dioxide, which is also widely used in photo protective cosmetics, zinc oxide does not produce free radicals that are harmful to our body. Zinc oxide absorbs radiation by a process called electron excitation, which releases energy in the form of heat and the skin remains undamaged. However, its job does not end here, because, among other things, this highly valued natural anti-inflammatory powder also has significant antibacterial effects.

 That's how we got to our new photo protective recipe.

To protect your skin, we would like to recommend avoiding being out in the direct sun as much as possible, because from pleasant sun tanning  there is only a small step to heat exhaustion,  sunburn, or further sun-damage skin problems .

If you insist on the classic labelling of a protective factor under the title SPF, it's good to know what SPF means. So if the sunscreen has SPF 30 written on it, this means you can stay 30 times longer in the sun without your skin getting sunburned.

On the other hand, the SPF 15 does not mean half the efficiency of the sunscreen; it only shortens the amount of time sunscreen will protect you from UV rays.

SPF 15 filters 93% of UVB rays

SPF 30 filters 97% of UVB rays

 SPF 50 filters 98% of UVB rays

Some individuals are prone to sunburn more than others, as people have different skin photo types depending on the amount of melanin within the skin.

Calculations according to our composition show that our sun tanning oil has SPF 25.

Take natural sun tanning oil Tuli a Tuli with you as a necessary accessory whether you go on a hiking trip or to the Maldives.

And do not forget to apply the oil regularly and in a sufficient amount.
