Niaouli Essential oil

Code: 852498 Camphoraceous

Volume: 10 ml / 0.34 fl oz
(US $5,63 exclusive VAT)

in stock

US $6,76
Product description

This 100% pure essential oil has a strong, slightly sweet, fresh fragrance which stimulates and strengthens the immune system and is suitable for sensitive skin. It is also considered as the softer version of tea tree essential oil. As both have healing and aroma therapeutic properties these two oils are very similar, however Niaouli sweeter and
softer fragrance, that is why it’s used more often for respiratory issues. Niaouli oil is a popular ingredient in toothpastes and mouthwash. Diffused Niaouli oil has a strong ability to repel insects.

Skin care
Purifies the skin
Neutralises microbes
Helps with healing burns and wounds
Supports cell regeneration
Repells insect
Reduces swelling and redness

suitable for: oily skin, sensitive skin, acne prone skin, boils, burns, wounds and insect stings.

Immune system

Stimulates immune system
Neutralizes microbes
Respiratory system
Helps with coughing out the mucous
Stimulates bronchi
Reduces irritation

Musculoskeletal system

Releases cramps

Nervous system
Helps to reduce headache
Uplifting and mood improving
Improves concentration


Non toxic, non irritating. Always first perform a patch test to ensure there is no allergic reaction or sensitivity.

Direct contact may cause irritation.
If pregnant consult with your doctor before use.
Not suitable for consumption or internal use.

direct inhalation, diffuser, oil lamp.
Sanitize the air with a few drops of essential oil in a diffuser.

massages,compression, baths, skin care.
Apply on acne with a cotton pad 2-3 times a day.
To reduce allergic reaction, apply 5-20 drops of oil  after bath directly on the skin.


Melaleuca Viridiflora Leaf Oil.

Country of Origin


Tuli A Tuli Laboratories s. r. o., Pezinská 5104, Malacky 901 01

Melaleuca Viridiflora Leaf Oil.


Non toxic, non irritating. Always first perform a patch test to ensure there is no allergic reaction or sensitivity.

Direct contact may cause irritation.
If pregnant consult with your doctor before use.
Not suitable for consumption or internal use.

direct inhalation, diffuser, oil lamp.
Sanitize the air with a few drops of essential oil in a diffuser.

massages,compression, baths, skin care.
Apply on acne with a cotton pad 2-3 times a day.
To reduce allergic reaction, apply 5-20 drops of oil  after bath directly on the skin.

List of allergens
A list of allergens that may cause a skin allergic reaction in some sensitive individuals. Pursuant to Section 49 of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) 1223/2009 on cosmetic products.

Linalool is a molecule that is naturally present in almost all essential oils, in lesser or greater concentration. It is a colorless compound with a fresh, sweet floral scent.
Limonene belongs to the family of monoterpenic carbides and is a molecule with the fragrance of lemon and oranges. Limonene is a natural part of some plants, trees, fruits and vegetables (especially citrus fruits).